In this video I will use the pin 3 4 or X M pin to for TX okay remember that and this is a function begin okay do you remember begin is a 0 dot begin okay with a software you are we can use all

Name you one of this and we will redeem it myself viewer and this is a two parameter the first parameter I will say the for the RX pins ever plus 180 is pins okay We don't need to download this library on the internet because already in your library when you down off the air we go okay okay and next we see how we initialize the software you are with the Just removing and then after uploading Co you look into again but it's quite inconvenient if we connect what you seem to the to the big circuit right you cannot block and remove block and removeĪnything okay and the solution is we will use software you are I don't know we can do this library you set up on pins on and no to what you are okay we we have to enclose software zero dot H The hardware you are pins the pins 1 MP 0 2 pins T is an RS right here is knitted to the computer to uploading Co so if you connect your what you seem to this loop is the I don't know will beĬonflicted when we uploading code to our no no but if you still want to use these pins I have solution is you have to remove the wire out before uploading Co okay Have to use the UN protocol to communicate with the circuit and I dunno okay but pay attention about this you should not use the heck where you are on arrow because they say you say this is Use for the or choose sim okay and the last one you can buy a bone choose sim is integrate with the internet like this okay but is more expensive than modules I give you and to you the module sim we Internet you can choose right here first you can use the Internet of N or fl0 one this is a all over RF okay you can use this Internet and the other you can use this enter there this internet usually Signal okay and if you want to block the external Internet you have to break it down okay because other modules you just only use one Internet okay and there's some Right here this is the be found and today on this modules and it's quite bad so I think you have to break this much of this internet and replace it with the external internet to get the better In this video as they may seem 9 0 0 a mini is quite small right it has 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PS and the one hole right here is will support you block the external antenna okay because Welcome to program knowledge today I'm going to talk about mojo same topic okay let's go we see the module seems them would use

Arduino Tutorial for Beginners 19 – Send SMS and Call from SIM900 GSM Module