In Whole Woman's Health, the admitting privileges law was deemed unconstitutional because it placed an "undue burden" on abortion access. This particular law is almost identical to a Texas law that was struck down by the Supreme Court in 2016 in the case Whole Woman's Health vs Hellerstedt. How Easy Is It to Get a Gun Versus an Abortion.Dear Men: We Need to Talk About Abortion.This type of law is known within the reproductive rights community as a TRAP law, or Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers, which Planned Parenthood describes as "costly, severe, and medically unnecessary requirements imposed on abortion providers and women's health centers." The case concerns a Louisiana law passed in 2014, Act 620, that bars doctors from performing abortions in the state unless they have admitting privileges to a hospital within 30 miles of wherever they provide abortion care. Russo is the first big abortion cases that will be decided by the current Supreme Court, which includes Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch and Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, both of whom are regarded as conservative justices.

Depending on how the court rules, the outcome of this case could affect abortion access across the country-and forecast the future of Roe v. Russo, the first significant abortion rights case of Trump's presidency.

This Wednesday, oral arguments will begin in the Supreme Court for the case of June Medical Services v.